EDRIVETOUR is an Erasmus Plus program, which aims to bring students in touch with the new era of electric mobility.

Students from the University of Craoiva & the International Hellenic University, attended their 2nd Mobility Period in Radom, Poland.
During EDRIVETOUR’s 2nd Mobility Period the following laboratory courses took place:
- EV Charging Systems
- Mechanical Drivetrains for EVs
- EV OBD, Troubleshooting & Maintenance

Additionally, students had to prepare their 2nd Intermediate Project, which refered to a Hybrid Vehicle.

During 2nd Mobility Period, students also had the opportunity to live the experience of a crash simulator, as well as a rollover crash simulator.

Last but not least, EDRIVETOUR, as every Erasmus Plus program, aimed also to the cultural education of its participants. During their stay in Poland, students had an organized trip to Kazimierz Dolny, a picturesque town, near Radom.

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