The E.V.A.E. is a research laboratory which was institutionally founded in 2018 and deals with the research and development of electric vehicles: air, ground and submarine. Its purpose is the spread of electric propulsion, and the evolution of the various electronic systems of a vehicle.


All relevant publications made by members of this research lab in a variety of academic subjects.


Industrial and academic organisations which actively collaborate on projects with the research lab.


The Bachelor Theses of students from the International Hellenic University that were supervised by the lab's professors.

Meet the team

Theodoros Kosmanis

Associate Professor

Dimitrios Tziourtzioumis

Assistant Professor

Fotis Stergiopoulos

Associate Professor

Dimitrios Triantafillidis


Vasilis Kartanos

Postgraduate student

Filliana Anagnostaki

Postgraduate student

Emmanouela Maroukian

pregraduate student

Erasmus Plus Programs



pregraduate certification

The bEyonD the boRder of electrΙc VEhicles: an advanced inTeractive cOURse (E-DRIVE TOUR) project aims to develop an advanced interactive course related to Sustainable Electric Mobility Engineering that will train individuals with the necessary skills & knowledge to work in the electrical automotive industry as well as in the Ultra Lightweight Vehicle (ULV) that comprises e-bikes and e-cargo bikes.



masters degree

The Surveying & MARiTime internet of thingS EducAtion (SMARTSEA) project aims to develop an advanced interactive certified MSc course related to Maritime & Surveyor IoT applications that will train individuals with the necessary skills & knowledge to work in the rising “Smart Maritime & Surveying” industry.




The masTERs course on smArt Agriculture TECHnologies (TERRATECH) project aims to develop an advanced interactive certified MSc course related to Agricultural IoT applications that will train individuals with the necessary skills & knowledge to work in the rising “Smart/Precision Agriculture” industry.